Shubham Singh

Roboticist, Aerospace Engineer

I finished my Ph.D. in Aerospace Engg. from the University of Texas at Austin, and currently work as a Software Engineer at Apptronik in Austin TX.

During my Ph.D, I worked on improving model-based control methods for planning & control of legged robots. Specifically, I developed analytical derivatives of Rigid-Body dynamics, which is used to model the non-linear physical model for legged motion. I was fortunate enough to publish in multiple IEEE conferences and journals including ICRA, IROS, Humanoids, RA-L and TR-O. For my Ph.D, I was advised jointly by Dr. Ryan Russell and Dr. Patrick Wensing (at UND). During my Ph.D. program, I also interned at Flexiv Robotics (Santa Clara) working towards contact aware MPC based controllers for manipulators.

I also participate as a reviewer for multiple IEEE conferences & journals, along with Springer Multibody System Dynamics, Multibody System Dynamics (MBS), and the International Journal of Humanoid Robots (IJHR).

In the past, I have worked on projects in the area of systems engineering for Mars mission architecture design, optimization for hypersonic mission design, and deep reinforcement learning for job scheduling algorithms.

Apart from work, I like to explore new food/culture and travel. I am also curious about the art of effective communication. I am a part of the UT Sciences Toastmasters where we practice public speaking and a peer mentor at the LSI-Moody College of Communication.

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or by email (link below) for a chat about robotics, or potential career opportunities.


Feb 7, 2024 Our paper “On Second-Order Derivatives of Rigid-Body Dynamics: Theory & Implementation” got published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics!
Dec 14, 2023 Presented our paper “Analytical Second-Order Derivatives of Rigid-Body Contact Dynamics: Application to Multi-Shooting DDP” at the Humanoids conference in Austin TX!
Aug 8, 2023 Ph.D. thesis defended successfully! Starting a new job as Locomotion Control Engineer at Shift Robotics in Austin TX!
Jul 22, 2023 New paper released- “Multi-Shooting Differential Dynamic Programming for Hybrid Systems using Analytical Derivatives” - Under Review for IEEE Humanoids 2023. pre-print.
May 23, 2023 Our paper “On Second-Order Derivatives of Rigid-Body Dynamics: Theory & Implementation “ is conditionally accepted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics , pre-print.
Sep 21, 2022 Awarded the UT Austin Professional, and the IEEE IROS-SDC Travel Award to attend IROS 2022!
Jul 1, 2022 Received the Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering from Cockrell School of Engineering UT Austin for year 2022-2023.
Jun 30, 2022 Analytical Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics accepted for IROS 2022 conference in Kyoto (23-27th) Oct 2022, pre-print.
May 23, 2022 Started working as a robotics research intern (Summer 2022) at Flexiv Robotics on motion planning for manipulators.
May 11, 2022 Passed the Ph.D. oral qualifying and moved forward to candidacy!
Mar 22, 2022 Awarded the IEEE RAS travel award 2022.
Mar 3, 2022 Paper titled Closed-Form Second-Order Partial Derivatives of Rigid-Body Inverse Dynamics submitted to IROS 2022 conference, pre-print released.
Feb 24, 2022 Awarded the UT Austin Professional Travel Award for graduate students to attend ICRA 2022.
Feb 16, 2022 Paper titled Efficient Analytical Derivatives of Rigid-Body Dynamics using Spatial Vector Algebra accepted to ICRA 2022 conference in Philadelphia (May 23-27 2022).
Jan 20, 2022 Paper titled Efficient Analytical Derivatives of Rigid-Body Dynamics using Spatial Vector Algebra published in IEEE RA-L 2022.